The bibliography for this web page on cashew is in our bibliography web site, Cashew leaves, notice the leathery texture, characteristic of this tree, FLAAR archive, photo by Nicholas HellmuthĬashew flowers at Monterrico, notice the white stripes of the flower, FLAAR archive photo by Nicholas Hellmuth Tannin (to cure leather) can be extracted from around the nut. The juice of the seed is indelible and has been used by many indigenous groups to write and a black dye (Duke 19). The gum is used as a folk medicine to cure warts. When the bark is removed a rubber-like latex exudes, that has been used as a glue or to varnish objects. In Guatemala you can find the tree from sea level to 1800 m, most commonly in the departments of the piedmont (boca costa). The cashew tree is naturalized throughout the Neotropical and tropical parts of the world. And our experience is that blooming and fruiting vary by the year (since cloud cover and rain vary by year in addition to being different for each eco-system). But since the different elevations have different sunlight and rainfall amounts, the blooming may vary by eco-system. In theory it blooms from February to March and fruiting from April. The fruit varies somewhat in size, shape and especially in colors: yellow through red. The delicate flowers may be white with red spots or stripes (8 mm long). The plant, cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale

The chemicals surrounding the nut are evidently not a problem in the soft fruit above the hard nut chamber. But if you are allergic to peanuts, stay away from cashew nuts (especially for children). I have been eating cashew nuts for decades and am very healthy. But don't worry, the cashew is treated (with heat) before being served to you.

The cashew nut is not only poisonous, the tree is related to poison sumac, poison oak, and poison ivy. The cashew nut is a growth outside, at the end of a soft fruit. But by the time you get the cashew nuts they have been treated: even the ones you can buy on the streets of Mexico and Guatemala. I do know that the cashew nut is slightly toxic until heated. I will admit I have no idea why I like them, or whether they are more healthy than the other nuts in the mixed-nut tray. Yes, I like other nuts, but cashew are by far my favorites. Introduction to cashew nuts, marañon, Anacardium occidentaleĪt any cocktail party I can find the bowl of mixed nuts and pull out all the cashew nuts pretty quickly, and gobble them down. Ancient Mesoamerica 8:63-74 Cambridge University Press